Yeats will suggest how to challenge the status quo

Dr. Jeremy Yeats reaches audiences through his music with the Rippah Shreddahs.

There are many ways to challenge the status quo through research. During the Adams State University Faculty Lecture, Dr. Jeremy Yeats, assistant professor of human performance and physical education, will present examples with his talk Challenging the Status Quo Through Research at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, in Porter Hall room 130.

This presentation will detail ways to make research fun, give insight on research challenging the education system, and will share transformative work with inclusive excellence issues.

Specifically, this talk will detail:

1. Interdisciplinary aspects of research in sport and music.
2. Educational structure and governance at the state level.
3. Poetic representations of inequity through critical ethnography.

All ASU Faculty Lectures in the series are free and open to the public. Complimentary light refreshments will be offered. For further information on the series of lectures, contact Dr. Kristy Duran, associate professor of biology, at 719-587-7767, or, or Dr. Courtney Allen, assistant professor of counselor education, at 719-587-7888 or