Recognizing the importance of long-term, stable leadership, the Board of Trustees of Adams State University entered into a multi-year employment agreement with President Cheryl D. Lovell, Ph.D.
The board approved the contract as its meeting Friday. The board acknowledged that the agreement with Dr. Lovell represents an essential part of a broader and shared vision for Adams State. This vision will carry the University forward as it looks to celebrate its 100th birthday in 2021 and usher in its second century of service as a comprehensive regional institution of higher education serving the San Luis Valley and southern Colorado.
“Today, Adams State University prepares to embark on its second century of delivering exceptional education at full strength and with clear vision. As stewards and leaders of this institution, we, the Board of Trustees and President Lovell, are confident in ASU’s readiness to thrive over the next 100 years.”
Through the shared vision expressed by the board and president, Adams State will:
- Continue its “students first” focus by always seeking ways to make higher education affordable and accessible to all. ASU is committed to the success of all its students – both on campus and online. ASU is especially focused on those students who come from the San Luis Valley and those that represent Colorado’s diverse populations.
- Build on its long legacy of being Colorado’s first Hispanic Serving Institution by strengthening leadership and prominence in coming years.
- Work collaboratively to maintain a vibrant, inclusive and engaging community of faculty, staff, students, and community members including Adams State Alumni and friends of the University.
- Strengthen the University as an essential community asset by forging new relationships in the Valley and ensuring the University is developing tomorrow’s workforce essential to economic development of the region while providing upward social mobility opportunities for its graduates.
- Grow its way into an exceptional, financially sustained, institution of higher education by offering new programs that engage and excite along with respecting its origins as Colorado’s first and foremost teaching college.
“Dr. Cheryl Lovell is exceptionally qualified to steward this university into its next century,” the Trustees said in a prepared statement. “With her capable leadership and the board’s confidence in her approach, ASU will thrive in the coming years.”
ABOUT ADAMS STATE – Located in the city of Alamosa and the San Luis Valley region of south-central Colorado, Adams State University is dedicated to fostering Inclusive Excellence, recognizing that the University’s success depends on valuing, engaging and celebrating the rich diversity of its students, staff, faculty and administrators. Since its cornerstone was laid in 1921, Adams State University grew from a teachers’ college into a fine liberal arts university. Adams State is the first federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution in Colorado and is the Regional Education Provider for southern Colorado. Today, students can earn a bachelor’s degree in 30 different areas, with 56 emphases, five teacher licensure programs, and 10 pre-professional programs, in addition to 7 master’s degrees and 1 doctoral degree offered in Counselor Education.