Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity

Welcome to the Office of Equal Opportunity at Adams

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) serves the Adams State campus community by supporting ASU in fostering an environment of equal opportunity, equity, & anti-discrimination.

Adams State University’s OEO facilitates compliance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Clery Act, Section 504, DAAPP, and the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act.

Any person who believes they may have experienced discrimination or harassment, or who has knowledge of discrimination or harassment, is strongly encouraged to report the conduct directly to the Office of Equal Opportunity.

Adams State University’s Anti-Discrimination Team

Ana Guevara, J.D.
Director of Title IX & OEO
SUB, Room 327
(719) 587-8213 

Delilah Chavez
Title IX Coordinator, Director of Clery Compliance
SUB, Suite 325
(719) 587-8224

If there is an immediate risk to safety or threat of harm, call 911 immediately.

Equal Opportunity, Discrimination

Title IX, Sexual Misconduct

Clery Compliance

Clery Archive

DAAPP Compliance