HSI Quick Facts #1 Colorado’s First HSI The only school in Colorado to have closed the “achievement gap” for Latinx students Adams State was designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution in 1998. It received its first HSI-related grant in 2000 and has since directed eleven Title III and Title V grants totaling nearly $30 million in institutional support. In the early 1970s, Adams State established one of the first College Assistance Migrant Programs (CAMP) in the nation through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. For a decade, the Cultural Awareness and Student Achievement (CASA) Center has championed the success of Latinx students and celebrated the rich history and culture of the San Luis Valley. Institutional Purpose Statement Adams State University’s driving purpose is to provide equitable access to education for all. We promote successful and engaged lives by caring for, connecting with, and challenging our students, campus, and community. As Colorado’s premier Hispanic Serving Institution, Adams State University draws on its rural location in the San Luis Valley, to serve and empower all students, especially those from historically underserved populations. Stats from Fall 2022 Total Undergraduate Enrollment 1,661 Students of Color 836/50.33% Latinx Students 600/36.12% Total Graduate Student Enrollment 1,266 Students of Color 324/25.59% Latinx Students 202/15.96% Adams State University is the only 4-year institution of higher education in the San Luis Valley (SLV), a remote, rural expanse of over 8,000 square miles (pop. 46,722) encompassing 6 counties in south central Colorado and home to a population that is 56% Latinx. The SLV is home to the state’s oldest communities, including Hispano-settled towns whose history stretches into the period before the U.S.-Mexico War (1846-1848) and the formation of the Colorado Territory in 1861. 25th anniversary (1998-2023) Adams State University Colorado TM Great Stories Begin Here. HSI Grants and Funding Title III Grant El Centro Sierra Blanca: Growing and Inspiring Hispanic Talent in STEM (2021). Total award amount: $4.9 million Goal 1: Develop and Deliver a Mechanical Engineering Degree and STEM Outreach Programs. Goal 2: Implement an Equity Approach to Student Engagement and Success. Goal 3: Advance Faculty Development in Cultural Responsiveness. Title V Grants Cornerstone to Capstone: Building the Adams Experience (2020). Total award amount: $3.0 million Goal 1: Implement High-Impact Practices (HIPs) across Curricular Programs. Goal 2: Build Capacity to Implement Internships as a High-Impact Practice. Goal 3: Implement and Expand Grizzly Persist Workshops and Peer-Mentoring Program. PPOHA Expanding Access to Graduate Programs in Education Across Rural Colorado (2019). Total award amount: $2.8 million Goal 1: Expand Teacher Education and Higher Education Administration Graduate Programs to Meet Rural Education Needs. Goal 2: Provide Outreach and Support for Graduate Students. Goal 3: Build Capacity for Graduate Program Development and Improved Services to Diverse Students. Other Grants: College Assistance Migrant Program (2019). Total award amount: $2.1 million DOE Minority Student Access to a B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering - CSU lead (2022). Total award amount: $0.5 million NSF IUSE HSI Enhancing STEM Student Success by Connecting Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences to the Local Ecology and Community (2019). Total award amount: $1.8 million. Over $20 million in current grants supporting our HSI mission Adams State 2025 – Pillar 3: Advocate for Equity and Inclusion • Priority 3.1: Promote community building: trust, respect, civility, and caring • Priority 3.2: Employ a social justice lens in our decision making and operations • Priority 3.3: Embrace and celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our students • Priority 3.4: Emphasize place-based learning and service to the San Luis Valley (SLV) • Priority 3.5: Honor the rich cultural traditions of the SLV • Priority 3.6: Engage in personal and professional development that advances diversity and inclusion • Priority 3.7: Foster community relations between the university, city and region