Graduate Exit & Alumni Surveys

Adams State University – School of Counselor Education  – 2021


Response Rate

  • Electronic Surveys sent: 457
  • Surveys returned: 188
  • Response Rate: 41.14%

Status of Program

  • On campus: 3.19% (N = 6)
  • Online: 96.81% (N a 182)

Counseling Concentration

  • Community/Clinical: 62.77% (N = 118)
  • School: 33.51% (N = 63)
  • Dual: 3.72% (N = 7)

Current Position

  • School Counselor: 30.85% (N = 58)
  • Community/Clinical: 25.00% (N = 47)
  • Private Practice: 20.21% (N = 38)
  • Other: 33.51% (N = 63)

Length of Employment

  • Less than 6 months: 33.51% (N = 63)
  • 6 months to 1 year: 25.53% (N = 48)
  • 1 to 3 years: 25.53% (N = 48)
  • 3 to 6 years: 6.91% {N = 13)
  • More than 6 years: 4.79% (N = 9)

Current annual salary range?

  • Under $10,000: 21.81% (N = 41)
  • $10,000 to $20,000: 4.79% (N = 9)
  • $20,000 to 30,000: 6.91% (N = 13)
  • $30,000 to $40,000: 12.23%(N = 23)
  • $40,000 to $50,000: 25.53% (N = 48)
  • More than $50,000: 22.87% (N = 43)

What licensures/certifications do you currently hold?

  • Non-independent level licensed counselor: 13.30% (N = 25)
  • Independent-level licensed counselor (LPC, LPCC, LCPC, etc.): 9.04% (N = 17)
  • NCC: 5.32% (N = 10)
  •  NCSC: 0.00% (N = 0)
  • Other: 7.98% (N = 15)
  • None: 56.38% (N =  106)

What licensures/certifications are you currently working on?

  • Non-independent level licensed counselor: 12.23% (N = 23)
  • Independent-level licensed counselor (LPC, LPCC. LCPC, etc.): 62.23% (N = 117)
  • NCC: 35.64% (N = 67)
  • NCSC: 5.85% (N = 11)
  • Other: 4.26% (N = 8)
  • None: 6.91% (N = 13)

Program Satisfaction

  • Academic quality of coursework: 6.18(.81)
  • Practicum experiences: 6.02 (1.13)
  • Internship experiences: 6.36 (.78)
  •  Exp. in self-exploration: 6.53 (.66)
  • Physical facilities: 5.42 (1.25)
  • Faculty availability: 6.15 (.92)
  • Faculty advisement: 6.38 (.97)
  • Modeling of ethics & prof: 6.20 (.97)
  • Rel. of academics to current position: 5.88 (1.01)
  • Rel. of practical exp. to current position: 6.08 (1.07)
  • Sequence of coursework: 5.84 (1.10)
  • Cohesiveness of coursework: 6.01 (.96)
  • Prep for self-care & growth: 6.09 (.95)
  • Prep for license & exams: 5.30 (1.46)
  • Prep forinvolvementin 5.55 (1.29)
  • Prep for current position: 5.71 (1.09)
  • Overall Total Satisfaction:  5.96 (.68)


Response Rate

  • Electronic Surveys sent: 1504
  • Surveys returned: 119
  • Response Rate: 7.09%

Status of Program

  • On campus: 14.29% (N = 17)
  • Online: 89.08% (N = 106)

Counseling Concentration

  • Community/Clinical: 58.82% (N: 70)
  • School: 34.45% (N = 41)
  • Dual : 6.72% (N = 8)

*Currently Employed as a Professional Counselor

  • Yes: 89.08% (N = 106)
  • No: 10.92% (N = 13)

Current Position

  • School Counselor: 32.77% (N = 39)
  • Community/Clinical: 30.25% (N = 36)
  • Private Practice: 31.09% (N = 37)
  • Other: 15.97% (N= 19)

Length of Employment

  • Less than 6 months: 7.56% (N = 9)
  •  6 months to 1 year: 15.13% (N = 18)
  • 1 to 3 years: 33.61% (N = 40)
  • 3 to 6 years: 31.09% (N = 37)
  • More than 6 years: 12.61%(N=15)

Current annual salary range?

  • Under $10,000: 1.68% (N = 2)
  • $10,000 to $20,000: 4.20% (N = 5)
  • $20,000 to 30,000: 2.52% (N = 3)
  • $30,000 to $40,000: 7.56% (N = 9)
  • $40,000 to $50,000:  21.85% (N = 26)
  • More than $50,000:  61.34% (N = 73)

What licensures/certifications are you currently working on?

  • Non-independent level licensed counselor: .84% (N = 1)
  • Independent-level licensed counselor (LPC. LPCC, LCPC, etc.): 33.61% (N = 40)
  • NCC : 5.04% (N = 6)
  • NCSC: 2.52% (N = 3)
  • Other: .84% (N= 1)
  • None: 47.06% (N = 56)

Program Satisfaction Includes 2020 Alumni survey+ 2021 Graduate survey results (N=356)

  • Academic quality of coursework: 6.29(.76)
  • Practicumexperiences:6.12(1.02)
  • Internshipexperiences:6.33(.95)
  • self-exploration:6.48(.74)
  • Physicalfacilities:5.73(1.20)
  • Faculty availability:6.21(.94)
  • Faculty advisement: 6.24(1.08)
  • Modeling of ethics & prof: 6.23(1.08)
  • Rel. of academics to current position: 5.96(.10)
  • Rel. of practical exp. to current position:6.13(1.07)
  • Sequence of coursework: 6.08(.98)
  • Cohesiveness of coursework: 6.16(.92)
  • Prep for self-care & growth:6.16(.95)
  • Prep for license & exams: 5.83(1.20)3
  • Prep for involvement in prof. org: 5.73(1.20)
  • Prep for current position:5.83(1.13)
  • Overall Total Satisfaction: 6.08(.84)