Credit by Portfolio

In accordance with the guidelines provided by the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), credit for prior learning is granted for demonstrated learning outcomes which have grown out of such life experiences as employment, volunteer work, community service, and travel.

Credits earned under this policy do not fulfill college residency requirements. To receive credit for prior learning by portfolio, the student must be actively enrolled as a degree seeking student at Adams State University and must be an undergraduate student in good standing.

If the credit being sought is for equivalent course credit for courses recognized in the Adams State catalog, the student will be required to enroll in the one (1) credit hour ID 279 Portfolio Development Workshop course

The student will utilize the institutional syllabus for the course equivalent sought to address attainment of learning outcomes through prior learning. Upon completion of the portfolio development course, the student will provide a copy of the completed portfolio to the PLA Liaison for review by the Adams State Subject Matter Expert (SME). Credits earned under this policy shall be recorded as the Adams State equivalent course with a grade of “P” and shall not count toward the student’s grade-point-average calculation.

Fees Associated with PLA portfolio

  • ID 279 Portfolio Development Workshop – $381.80
  • Transcription fee if “pass” is received for portfolio – TBD

Official Policy Credit by Portfolio