(Communication & Media majors, please note that Program Goal Five is specific to the Media Industry & Communications program.)
Program Goal One
To develop the abilities of all students in the college to read, write, listen, speak, and think critically:
- Write with clarity at all levels, conciseness, and relevance to the assigned topic at a standard appropriate to the course level;
- Identify key ideas and terms in a spoken or written text;
- Classify those ideas in relation to the theme;
- Interpret those ideas in the context of the current unit of instruction;
- Analyze those ideas according to the paradigm the class is currently practicing;
- Apply them to a designated task (such as a response paper, a presentation, or a persuasive essay)
Program Goal Two
To enable students to recognize and evaluate the literary traditions and contributions of diverse cultures:
- Demonstrate familiarity with major literary periods and with several leading writers during those periods.
- Distinguish among contributions to world literature that are widely regarded as indicative of a particular culture.
- Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of themes, genres, and literary periods.
- Formulate questions and critical responses regarding these themes, genres, and periods.
- Evaluate the questions and responses of classmates and other sources from an academically mature and sophisticated critical perspective.
- Appraise criticism about their conclusions and defend or reevaluate their work after criticism.
Program Goal Three
To prepare teachers of English for service in the schools of the state and nation:
- Appraise the English language and its varieties as vehicles for and manifestations of human creativity.
- Read and write at a level appropriate to candidates vying for entry into K-12 level teaching positions.
- Demonstrate knowledge of best practices in literature / language teaching and Colo. content standards in English.
- Demonstrate knowledge of and an ability to teach literature of diverse voices, cultures, and historical periods.
- Compose discourse in varied media for various audiences (electronic, written, spoken).
Program Goal Four
To produce students with advanced skills in writing, reading, and reasoning that will enable them to enter the work force directly or via professional or graduate schools and/or create original works of art:
- Create written texts in a variety of literary genres that demonstrate an ability to apply literary techniques and discriminate among aesthetic values.
- Interpret texts in a variety of genres by performing close readings.
- Analyze texts from a variety of theoretical perspectives.
- Appraise secondary sources.
- Compose projects or responses that investigate the relationship between texts and their historical /intellectual/cultural and/or literary contexts.
- Create original research projects which assess the contributions and/or complexities of a selected writer, literary movement, etc.
Program Goal Five
To prepare students for a career in media:
- Examine and appraise different media industries
- Demonstrate competence in a variety of media writing forms and techniques.
- Apply analytical and ethical reasoning to issues pertinent in and to their careers.
- Design finished products by applying varied media-related skills.
- Create written and/or audio materials in campus media.