Mathematical Sciences at Adams State University

Master the facts, formulas, terminology and definitions that are fundamental to the mathematical sciences with a degree from Adams State University. You’ll join a small department with accessible faculty, ensuring that you receive individual attention at every stage of your studies.

students controlling their robotCoursework in mathematical sciences exposes you to a broad base of topics, preparing you with a solid foundation from which to pursue a variety of careers or graduate school. Working with up-to-date computing hardware and software, you’ll learn to apply logical reasoning and mathematical precision to solve problems. And you’ll have opportunities to apply your newfound knowledge as a member of the Adams State Computer Science, Mathematics and Programming Club (ACME) or the Robotics Club. Upon graduation, you’ll be qualified to obtain jobs in education, research, medicine, robotics, business, astronomy, and more.

We also serve those students who desire to teach mathematics at the secondary school level.

By completing a typical mathematics major within the department, then obtaining the necessary licensing requirements via the Department of Teacher Education, these students emerge from Adams State  prepared to step right into the classroom.

Mathematics Faculty

Adams State campus north

Mathematical Sciences Highlights

“Mathematics is the language of science. Take as much mathematics as the university can possibly offer. From biologists to physicists at the forefront of research this is what I hear, and this is what I have experienced.” 2018 Adams State Outstanding Alumnus John Petersen, current SPIE Fellow and a former SEMATECH Fellow and principal scientist at imec, Leuven, Belgium, a world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies.

“I have been accepted by communities of other institutions such as MIT, RIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, University of Maryland, University of New Mexico, University of Colorado, University of Ottawa, and most recently KU-Leuven. I did it, a kid from Cheraw, Colorado, the smallest of rural communities, and if I can do it, anybody can do it.”

Free Tutoring

Students needing help in any mathematics class through Calculus II are encouraged to visit the Math Lab for free tutoring.

Mathematical Sciences Outcomes

One-year job placement rate for Mathematical Education graduates


Students have the opportunity to compete annually in Mathematics and Programming competitions through the ACME club. Active ACME members have higher success rates.

The Mathematics Program at Adams State University prepares graduates for careers in education, industry, law, sciences, and insurance. Graduates will have the content knowledge and skills ready to become secondary mathematics teachers, actuaries, or team members in industry. Alternatively, graduates will also be prepared for graduate school in mathematics, actuarial sciences, operations research, or education.

Graduate Studies

The broad base of mathematical topics treated provides majors with a solid foundation from which to pursue graduate studies in the mathematical sciences.


Students who choose to major in mathematics are qualified for employment in a wide variety of occupations.

student in Nielsen Library computer lab


Adams State Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering Club Competes annually in Mathematics and Programming competitions Contact Dr. Steven Aldrich

robots from the robotics club at ASU

Robotics Club

Build and program custom robots, Community Group with student involvement, Participate in the Robotics Challenge at Great Sand Dunes National Park, Contact George Sellman

Adams State north campus

Mathematical Sciences Faculty

Daniel Gulbrandsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Tony Weathers, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Meredith Anderson, Ph.D.
Department Chair of Mathematics, Professor of Mathematics
Ashley Clayton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Elizabeth Scott-Janda, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Mathematics