Undergraduate Non-Resident Tuition

 2024-2025 Non-Resident Undergraduate On Campus

Charges are per semester, based on credit hours registered.
Adams Online, Distance Learning and Extended Studies courses are NOT included in the Tuition Window.
Tuition and Fees apply to undergraduate students in on-campus course.
Online, Off Campus and Extended Studies courses may have additional fees.
Business and Nursing courses have additional tuition charges.

Credit Hour Tuition College Service Fees Technology Fees Capital Fees Security and Parking Fee Cost Per Credit Hour
1 $760.00 $36.00 $17.80 $97.38 $- $911.18
2 $1,520.00 $72.00 $35.60 $194.76 $- $1,822.36
3 $2,280.00 $108.00 $53.40 $292.14 $- $2,733.54
4 $3,040.00 $144.00 $71.20 $389.52 $- $3,644.72
5 $3,800.00 $180.00 $89.00 $486.90 $- $4,555.90
6 $4,560.00 $216.00 $106.80 $584.28 $37.50 $5,504.58
7 $5,320.00 $252.00 $124.60 $681.66 $37.50 $6,415.76
8 $6,080.00 $288.00 $142.40 $779.04 $37.50 $7,326.94
9 $6,840.00 $324.00 $160.20 $876.42 $37.50 $8,238.12
10 $7,600.00 $360.00 $178.00 $973.80 $37.50 $9,149.30
11 $8,360.00 $396.00 $195.80 $1,071.18 $37.50 $10,060.48
12 $9,120.00 $432.00 $213.60 $1,168.56 $37.50 $10,971.66
13 $9,120.00 $432.00 $213.60 $1,168.56 $37.50 $10,971.66
14 $9,120.00 $432.00 $213.60 $1,168.56 $37.50 $10,971.66
15 $9,120.00 $432.00 $213.60 $1,168.56 $37.50 $10,971.66
16 $9,120.00 $432.00 $213.60 $1,168.56 $37.50 $10,971.66
17 $9,880.00 $468.00 $231.40 $1,168.56 $37.50 $11,785.46
18 $10,640.00 $504.00 $249.20 $1,168.56 $37.50 $12,599.26
19 $11,400.00 $540.00 $267.00 $1,168.56 $37.50 $13,413.06
20 $12,160.00 $576.00 $284.80 $1,168.56 $37.50 $14,226.86
21 $12,920.00 $612.00 $302.60 $1,168.56 $37.50 $15,040.66
22 $13,680.00 $648.00 $320.40 $1,168.56 $37.50 $15,854.46
23 $14,440.00 $684.00 $338.20 $1,168.56 $37.50 $16,668.26
24 $15,200.00 $720.00 $356.00 $1,168.56 $37.50 $17,482.06


$37.50 per semester, assessed to all students taking 6.0 or more credit hours on the ASU campus
This fee will support security initiatives across campus, maintenance of parking lots. A parking decal will be included with this fee.

SOME COURSES ARE SUBJECT TO COURSE SPECIFIC FEES, FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.adams.edu/administration/business/course-specific-fees/


  • BUSINESS CLASSES have an additional tuition cost of $14.50 per credit hour. Business classes
    have subject prefixes BUS, ECON. HCA
  • NURSING CLASSES have an additional tuition cost of $77.50 per credit hour. Nursing classes
    have subject prefixes NURS


2024-2025 Non-Resident Undergraduate Tuition Off-Campus

Charges are per semester, based on credit hours registered.
Adams Online, Distance Learning and Extended Studies courses are NOT included in the Tuition Window.
Tuition and Fees apply to undergraduate students in on-campus course.
Online, Off Campus and Extended Studies courses may have additional fees.
Business and Nursing courses have additional tuition charges.

Credit Hour Tuition Tuition Surcharge Technology Fees Cost Per Credit Hour
1 $760.00 $140.00 $17.80 $917.80
2 $1,520.00 $280.00 $35.60 $1,835.60
3 $2,280.00 $420.00 $53.40 $2,753.40
4 $3,040.00 $560.00 $71.20 $3,671.20
5 $3,800.00 $700.00 $89.00 $4,589.00
6 $4,560.00 $840.00 $106.80 $5,506.80
7 $5,320.00 $980.00 $124.60 $6,424.60
8 $6,080.00 $1,120.00 $142.40 $7,342.40
9 $6,840.00 $1,260.00 $160.20 $8,260.20
10 $7,600.00 $1,400.00 $178.00 $9,178.00
11 $8,360.00 $1,540.00 $195.80 $10,095.80
12 $9,120.00 $1,680.00 $213.60 $11,013.60
13 $9,120.00 $1,680.00 $213.60 $11,013.60
14 $9,120.00 $1,680.00 $213.60 $11,013.60
15 $9,120.00 $1,680.00 $213.60 $11,013.60
16 $9,120.00 $1,680.00 $213.60 $11,013.60
17 $9,880.00 $1,820.00 $231.40 $11,931.40
18 $10,640.00 $1,960.00 $249.20 $12,849.20
19 $11,400.00 $2,100.00 $267.00 $13,767.00
20 $12,160.00 $2,240.00 $284.80 $14,684.80
21 $12,920.00 $2,380.00 $302.60 $15,602.60
22 $13,680.00 $2,520.00 $320.40 $16,520.40
23 $14,440.00 $2,660.00 $338.20 $17,438.20
24 $15,200.00 $2,800.00 $356.00 $18,356.00


$37.50 per semester, assessed to all students taking 6.0 or more credit hours on the ASU campus
This fee will support security initiatives across campus, maintenance of parking lots. A parking decal will be included with this fee.

SOME COURSES ARE SUBJECT TO COURSE SPECIFIC FEES, FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.adams.edu/administration/business/course-specific-fees/


  • BUSINESS CLASSES have an additional tuition cost of $14.50 per credit hour. Business classes
    have subject prefixes BUS, ECON. HCA
  • NURSING CLASSES have an additional tuition cost of $77.50 per credit hour. Nursing classes
    have subject prefixes NURS