Submit Grant Concept Proposal
At least 6-8 weeks before proposal deadline
- The PI or project director will submit a Grant Concept Proposal form with a supporting budget spreadsheet to the Grant Specialist for review by the Grant Concept Review Committee.
- Considerations include: time for proposal/detailed budget development, Intent to Apply (ITA) review by Executive Council (required before application submission), indirect costs, cash or in-kind match, institutionalization, other departmental or institutional benefits and impacts. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Grant Specialist will consider requests for grant-writing assistance based on applicant department support, current requests, and institutional priorities.
Complete Intent to Apply Form
At least 4-6 weeks before deadline
- The ITA requires a brief summary of project purpose, grant period, and budget commitments. The budget form provides expense details for Executive Council review.
- All signatures on the form are required to ensure proposal and budget details are fully reviewed. The final signature required on the form is from the VP of Academic Affairs, who forwards the completed form to the appropriate Executive Council representative.
Tips for ITA Completion
- The Grant Specialist, Tawney Becker, is available to assist with ITA and budget development prior to signature completion. Budgets including salaries shall reflect updated benefits calculations. Once signed by the PI/PD and the department or administrative head, the Grant Specialist will route the form to the Controller of Sponsored Programs (Jody Mortensen) and remaining administrators for review.
- The 5-year budget form can be adapted to grant periods of 1-4 years by making adjustments on the benefits tab. (Add FTE % for only those positions and years budgeted). If a cash or in-kind match is required, please supply a supporting spreadsheet showing the source and details of match amounts. Institutionalization of costs requires supporting justification (revenue offsets).
- Include indirect costs (allotment for grant administration, facilities use, etc.) as a percentage, as allowable per application instructions (item 10 on budget form). Allowable indirect costs may vary based on the grantor. ASU’s federal rate is 25% of modified total direct costs (does not include scholarships and equipment units (5K+). Include a statement re: indirect costs at the end of the project summary. If indirect costs are unallowable, grantor documentation in this regard (grantor email or written excerpt from instructions) must be included with the concept and ITA.
Plan 4 weeks for ITA signature completion and Executive Council review
- Allow at least 4 weeks for administrative review of the ITA and budget and signatures, including final approval by the Executive Council, who meet twice per month. An approved Concept Proposal Form must accompany the ITA. ITA signature completion generally requires a minimum of one week prior to the Executive Council meeting to allow for questions and timely inclusion on the agenda.
- The Grant Specialist or Vice President of Academic Affairs will convey the duly signed ITA to the appropriate Executive Council representative for inclusion on the Executive Council agenda. Executive Council will consider the fiscal and institutional impact based on the project commitment and funding support.
- Applicants must receive Executive Council approval before grant application submission. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will note consent (yes/no), meeting date, and any Council comments on the ITA form, scan the ITA package, and forward it to the Grant Specialist for dissemination to the PI/PD and the controller to confirm the status of the ITA, once it has been reviewed by the Executive Council.