College Assistance Migrant Program
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at Adams State University is a program federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education.
The program’s goal is to provide academic, social and financial support services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers or their dependents; to assist them in the successful completion of their first year of college; and to develop a persistence toward degree attainment.
Bienvenidos al programa de CAMP
El programa de CAMP en la Universidad de Adams State en Alamosa, Colorado es un programa establecido por el gobierno federal, diseñado para estudiantes universitarios de familias migrantes o que trabajan en la agricultura temporal.
Nuestra universidad ofrece un programa intensivo durante el primer año de estudios con asistencia de becas. Ademas, nuestro programa está basado en el apoyo personal, académico, y financiero promoviendo la continuación de la educación de nuestros estudiantes.
Benefits and Services
CAMP Benefits and Services are provided to eligible students to assist in developing the necessary skills for transitioning into the Adams State University setting in multiple areas throughout your first academic year.
In addition to the potential of substantial scholarships and stipends during the first year, other support includes
- Course selection and registration assistance
- Academic skills development
- Academic monitoring and follow-up
- Career planning and development
- Mentor and tutor support
- Leadership development
- Financial guidance and planning
- Personal counseling
- Health and wellness education
- Integration into campus life
- Service learning opportunities
- Cultural exploration
- Social exploration
How do I qualify for CAMP?
To be eligible to participate in CAMP, the student, or an immediate family member, must have worked as a seasonal or migrant farmworker at least 75 days in the past 24 months, participated in a Chapter 1 Migrant Education Program (MEP), or be eligible to participate in a National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP WIOA 167).
Additionally, students must also have:
- a high school diploma or GED
- be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- be FAFSA Pell eligible and
- have been accepted to Adams State University
You may qualify for a scholarship to assist with tuition/housing and fees for your first year! Let us determine your eligibility and get you started on your Adams State University education. Call a CAMP recruiter at 719-587-8386.
CAMP Selection
Selection for CAMP is based on a review of financial, social, and academic need, interviews and other information provided. The CAMP selection committee will select participants for this program. Continued support of CAMP students is determined by the student’s ability to successfully meet CAMP requirements.