Adams State University is partnering with Google to provide our alumni with email accounts. The use of an Adams State University “branded” alumni email account is provided to help Adams State alumni maintain contact with one another.

Sign Up

To sign up for your Adams State alumni email, send your request to Please include your mailing address, phone number, birthdate, grad year, and what you would like your email address to be. You can use a your first and last name, initials, grad year, and more. If you have questions please contact the alumni office.

Why use an Adams State Alumni Email Account

  • If you change your email provider in the future (whether by changing employer, or Internet provider), your Alumni Account will remain the same. This is an email address that you can give to your friends and family, knowing that they can always contact you through this address.
  • It’s important to use a professional email address when you contact employers, and professional colleague.
  • To simplify your email management: If you already have another email account and prefer to receive information there, you can forward your Alumni email to that account. You will never have to worry about losing email or having to tell all your contacts about an email address change. All messages sent to your address will be forwarded to your preferred mailbox, the virtual equivalent of postal mail forwarding.
  • Let others know that you are proud to be an Adams State graduate.
  • To maintain a continuing relationship with the College and other alumni. By having an alumni email account, you will receive information about activities at the College, as well as information about reunions and get-togethers of former students.

Adams State alumni email account is hosted by Google, Inc and is subject to Google’s Acceptable Use Policy along with Adams State Acceptable Use Policy.

Adams State University has taken advantage of Google’s Apps for Education in order to offer an Alumni email service. In many ways, an alumni e-mail account is similar to an ordinary Gmail account, with two key differences:

  1. No advertising!
  2. Instead of having your address end in, you’ll have

This is a free service to alumni who wish to retain a college e-mail connection. Your e-mail will be stored on Google-owned servers. Your inbox can be accessed by you from a desktop e-mail client like Outlook, via Google’s webmail service, or mobile devices such as the iPhone or BlackBerry. Current students can request for messages in their Adams State student email account to be transferred to their new alumni account, as well as having any future messages automatically forwarded to their new alumni email account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is this e-mail “for life?”We certainly hope so! The reality is technology is changing! Who knows what e-mail will look like in 30 years, or whether it will go the way of so many other technologies before it. That said, we’re confident that both Google and Adams State University will be around in some form for a very long time. It is therefore reasonable to assume that your new account will be too. Of course, e-mail usage is subject to Google’s terms of use, and to the College’s Alumni Email Acceptable Use Policy. As such, we reserve the right to suspend or deactivate e-mail accounts if there is any breach of the user agreements.
  2. I already have a Gmail account, so how does this help me?Only Adams State University has the right to give out Google accounts that end in “”, which can be useful for joining some closed networks, like Facebook, or just for reasons of personal pride.
  3. Can my “” account be forwarded to another account?Yes. In the top right corner of any Google mail page, click on the link marked “Settings,” then on the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab, and forward the account as you please.
  4. Can anyone at the college read my e-mail?No. Adams State and Google both respect your privacy. Adams State employees have no access to individual alumni accounts.
  5. If I’m a graduate and also a returning student/staff member/faculty member, can I keep this address as well as my One is being offered to you by virtue of your staff/student status, and the other by virtue of your alumni status. The two email accounts are physically separate, and will only forward or share email from one to the other if you wish them to.
  6. What personal information is being shared with Google?The only personal information provided to Google by Adams State are the names of participating alumni (for the “From” line of the e-mail), and your e-mail prefix (the part before the @ symbol).
  7. Where is my e-mail physically located?All accounts store their files in Google-owned servers based in the United States, stored along with other North American Gmail accounts.

Acceptable Use Policy for the Adams State Alumni Email

The use of an Adams State University “branded” alumni email account is provided to help Adam State alumni maintain contact with one another and to assist in their transition from college to the professional workplace. When using an Adams State alumni-branded email account, individuals are expected to respect the college’s good name in dealings both within and outside of the college.

Alumni email addresses may not be utilized as return addresses for commercial email solicitations, advertising, offensive or illegal communications, communications which infringe intellectual property rights, or communications which harass, intimidate or otherwise violate the rights of others. Further, alumni email accounts should not be used in a manner which states or implies the college’s endorsement of other organizations, products or services.

Although this policy attempts to address the most common situations that may arise, it is impossible to foresee every situation. Individuals are trusted to use their alumni email accounts responsibly, whether or not there is a guideline addressing each possible situation. Adams State University reserves the right to terminate the Adams State alumni email account of any person who violates this policy.
Adam State’s alumni email account is hosted by Google, Inc. and is also subject to Google’s Acceptable Use Policy.