Author: Linda Relyea

Francis G. Powers Jr., Letters from a Soviet Prison book jacket

Powers to present on Cold War

While here, he will deliver a public lecture about the Cold War, the U-2 Incident, and the controversy that surrounded his father, U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers.

McDaniel Hall in winter

Adams State’s Cheri Meder appointed to CACREP Board of Directors

“Our program has a long-standing history and strong reputation with CACREP,” Meder added. “I strongly believe in our department’s mission, and that of Adams State’s, to serve marginalized and underserved students who would otherwise not have access to higher education. We do great things as a department to serve students, which is what I love about Adams State.”

kayaks banked on river

Adams State launches new areas of study for Fall 2019

“Food studies and outdoor education and stewardship are the first of what will be several new degree programs. We think both of these new areas of study are of particular relevance to the San Luis Valley and we’re excited to get them launched and students enrolled in them,” said President Lovell.