Emergency Procedures

Schools across the country are adopting a standard to enhance student and staff during an incident or emergency. Adams State is joining this effort to standardize safety protocols across campus. The Standard Response Protocol is based on five actions we take during an incident or an emergency. Each of these actions is followed by a directive and has specific instructions of what to do in case of an emergency.


hold icon showing a barred door

HOLD! In your room or area. Clear the halls.

STUDENTS: Clear the hallways and remain in your area or room until the “All Clear” is announced. Do business as usual.

INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF: Close and lock the door. Account for students, visitors and others. Do business as usual.

secure icon showing two hands

SECURE! Get inside. Lock outside doors.

STUDENTS: Return to inside of building. Do business as usual.

INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF: Bring everyone indoors. Lock outside doors. Increase situational awareness. Account for students, visitors and others. Do business as usual.

lockdown icon showing a lock

LOCKDOWN! Locks, lights, out of sight.

STUDENTS: Move away from sight. Maintain silence. Do not open the door. Prepare to evade or defend.

INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF: Recover people from hallway if possible. Close and lock the door. Turn out the lights. Move away from sight. Maintain silence. Do not open the door. Prepare to evade or defend.

evacuate icon showing a group of people holding hands

EVACUATE! (A location may be specified)

STUDENTS: Move away from sight. Maintain silence. Do not open the door. Prepare to evade or defend.

INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF: Recover people from hallway if possible. Close and lock the door. Turn out the lights. Move away from sight. Maintain silence. Do not open the door. Prepare to evade or defend.

shelter icon showing a person underneath a roof

SHELTER! Hazard and safety strategy.

STUDENTS: Use appropriate safety strategy for the hazard. For Tornado – Evacuate to shelter area. For Hazmat – Seal the room. For Earthquake –  Drop, cover and hold. For Tsunami – Get to high ground.

INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF: Lead safety strategy. Account for students, visitors and others. Notify if missing, extra or injured people.


California State University Active Shooter Safety Training

Wayne State University Active Shooter Run, Hide, Fight video