Adams State University held a groundbreaking this morning for a $1.6 million addition to William Porter Hall.
“We are thrilled that construction of this new engineering space is finally underway and I am excited for the educational opportunities and experiences that these labs will provide for our students,” Nehring said. “There is something satisfying and tangible about the construction progress that we will begin witnessing tomorrow. I know the students are excited and I hope the community views this partnership as a point of pride.”
The renovations to Adams State Porter Hall will include laboratory and classroom space for the CSU/ASU mechanical engineering program. Funding for the project included a $1.1 million federal community project funding supported by U.S. Senator Michael Bennet and U.S. Senator John W. Hickenlooper. Additional funding comes from Adams State institutional funds and the Adams State El Centro Sierra Blanca Grant. Although not used in the construction costs, Colorado State University received $1 million from the federal community project funding supported by U.S. Representative Joseph D. Neguse to assist with the mechanical engineering program.
CSU/Adams State Mechanical Engineering Program
Adams State partnered with Colorado State University to establish the mechanical engineering bachelor’s degree. Students have the opportunity to earn the CSU degree, delivered entirely on the Adams State campus. Adams State provides all lower-division coursework for the first two years of the program and CSU provides all upper-division coursework with face-to-face instruction for the last two years by CSU faculty who are located in Alamosa.
William Porter Hall
The late William A. Porter, Class of 1951, was founder and chairman of E*TRADE Group, Inc. William Porter donated $4.6 million worth of stock in E*TRADE Group, Inc. in 1998. He received the Adams State Associated Alumni’s 1991 Outstanding Achievement Award and the 2005 Billy Adams Award.