Bruyére is keynote for EARTH Week

Dr. Cindy Bruyère, project scientist for National Center for Atmospheric Research’s Capacity Center for Climate & Weather Extremes, will speak at Adams State University from 1:30 p.m. until 3p.m. Saturday, April 29, in Carson Auditorium, located in the Student Union Building. This Sodexo sponsored presentation is free and open to the public and is part of Adams State EARTH Week.

Bruyère leads the NCAR-based systems development effort for the Engineering for Climate Extremes. She plays a key role in the development of the Global Risk and Resilience Toolbox.

She has a Master of Science degree in dynamical modeling and a Ph.D. in environmental management. She started her career at the South African Weather Service, where she rose to assistant director of research programs, and project manager for operational systems. Current research activities include understanding and predicting the impact of climate variability and change; dynamical model development; creating useful climate decision-making tools; and the development of statistical down-scaling techniques. Bruyère trains those within the atmospheric science community in climate modeling techniques. She is also a visiting research fellow at the North-West University of South Africa.

Prior to Bruyére address, the Adams State Environmental Action for Resources, Transportation and Health (EARTH) has organized an SLV Climate March. For a complete list of activities visit EARTH Week.