Adams State University now offers Direct Admission to all 2024 graduates of San Luis Valley high schools, according to Kara Gaffney, Director of Admissions. “Adams State is the first university in Colorado to offer Direct Admission. This program is specifically designed for our San Luis Valley school districts,” she said.

Direct Admission simplifies the application process for SLV high school graduates and complements other SLV specific resources, such as the Adams Promise, SLV VIP, and Opportunity Next Colorado scholarships. As a pilot program, at this point it is only available to 2024 graduates.

All valley school districts have been invited to participate in the Direct Admission program; families in those schools will receive an email. If the student then opts in, Adams State Admissions will work with the schools to obtain transcripts and support the student.

“We recommend that students and their families call their school district to see if the school has approved participation in the program,” Gaffney said.

She noted recent studies have shown that young adults, especially those from first-generation and low-income backgrounds, may not complete a college application that is too long or has unfamiliar requirements.

“Direct Admission is another way Adams State is rolling out the red carpet for our San Luis Valley community members,” she added.

Students and families who are considering Adams State may contact Admissions at 719-587-8146. They may also drop in to Richardson Hall Welcome Center, where student ambassadors and admissions staff can answer questions and get started with enrollment. They will work with students on an individual basis to order high school transcripts and fill out applications. The Adams State One-Stop can help start financial aid paperwork. The One Stop Center can be reached at 719-587-7306. Located in the Student Union Building on First St. in Alamosa, the One-Stop can be reached at 719-587-7306.