Please complete your 2025/2026 FAFSA ASAP!
The awesome staff in the Adams State Financial Aid Office will be posting your financial aid offers for next year beginning the first week of April! If you have not completed your FAFSA for 2025/2026 please get it done as soon as possible to avoid delays in processing your award offer. They cannot make an offer to you without your FAFSA, so don’t wait!
And don’t forget! Enrollment opens up the first week in April, so meet with your advisor and set up your classes for Fall 2025!
Students MUST be enrolled in Fall 2025 classes to LOCK IN financial aid offers. If you wait to register until May 1st 2025 or after, your award will go away UNTIL you have enrolled for Fall classes!
Most automatic scholarships (merit, state grants & stipends) are offered on a first come/first served basis. If you received scholarships this year that you expect to receive again next year, then you need to submit your FAFSA and register for Fall classes so you can lock those scholarships in!
Want Assistance with your FAFSA?
We have weekly FAFSA assistance EVERY Friday from 10a-12p via this Zoom link
and we would be happy to help OR you can just drop by the One Stop Student Service Center in the SUB every Monday-Friday from 8AM-5PM. We are also available by appointment.
Keep an eye out for upcoming FAFSA & Financial Aid Events we throw so we can help you and your family complete your FAFSA.
The Adams State Financial Aid Team is DEDICATED to making sure your FAFSA is complete!
Please contact the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.