Please make sure to report all leave to Human Resources.
Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Take approved Administrative leave.
Are you in self isolation by a health official due to close contact with someone who is symptomatic?
Take approved Administrative leave.
Have you been instructed to self isolate by a health official or executive leadership?
Take approved Administrative leave.
Are you immune compromised and choose to self isolate?
You may use any accrued leave: sick, vacation, or comp.
Do you have dependents that are home due to extended school or daycare closures that require supervision?
You may use any accrued leave: sick, vacation, or comp.
What if I am home sick with COVID-19 like health condition?
Take Sick leave.
I am working from home
No leave should be used or reported.
I have not been symptomatic for over 72 hours and I am ready to come back to work, what next?
If you have been out due to COVID-19 like symptoms, please fill out the State of Colorado Employee Self-Certification Form for COVID-19 Like Symptoms.
What if I have been out of work due to another health condition?
Fill out the required monthly leave request form.