Upward Bound Academic Components
The Upward Bound Academic Component is designed to enhance the skills necessary for collegiate success. They are divided into two areas: The Academic Year Component(AYC) and Summer Residential Component(SRC). Instruction during the academic year is given during biweekly night sessions. During the summer, students stay at the Adams State University Campus where they can choose from a variety of courses they would like to take.
Academic Year Component (AYC)
The primary focus of the AYC is to help students improve their math and literacy skills along with preparing for the CSAP and ACT exams. Their proficiency is measured through a large variety of data provided by our student’s schools. Students are also given standardized assessments by the Upward Bound program to better determine areas of highest need. Based on the summation of all the information available, they are divided into academically appropriate night classes.
Summer Residential Component (SRC)
This aspect of the academic component emphasizes the core subjects of reading, writing, mathematics, and sciences. The goal of this section is to increase our student’s skill levels in these specific areas. In order to accomplish this, students must complete in a rigorous curriculum for by attending classes for four hours each morning. Each afternoon they are allowed the opportunity to choose from several electives including foreign language, computers, theater, folklorico dance, ancestral research, oral interpretation, and recreation. Students have the opportunity to receive high school, and in some cases, Adams State University credit for completing a minimum of 75 classroom hours in a core subject area. All classes are taught by instructors who are highly qualified in their respective content areas, as determined by the Colorado Department of Education.