Workday@Adams State Glossary and Translation of Terminology

Workday Term

Former Term



*New term*

Use to request time off or leave of absence and view time off balances.

Action (or event or task)

*New Term*

A transaction (or step in a business process) within Workday that the worker must complete (e.g., hire, termination, approve, deny, etc.).


*New Term* (Pages?)

A compact menu displayed as an icon on your Home page, providing easy access to tasks and information you use on a regular basis (e.g., pay, personal information, benefits, expenses, etc.).

Approve (as part of a business process)


An action in a business process that designated participants select to progress the event to the next step.

Business Process (BP)

Banner Workflows

The tasks that compose a business process, the order in which they must be done, and who can do them.

Cancel (a part of a business process)

*New Term*

Canceling a business process stops the workflow in progress and reverses changes made to data.

A user can only only cancel a business process that is still in progress; completed business processes need to be rescinded.



Money that has been reserved for specific purpose and cannot be spent on other items.

Correct (as part of a business process)

*New term*

Correcting a business process changes a specification or data in the workflow while in progress. A securable action in a business process security policy.

Cost Center

Similar to a budget org; ORGN code in FOAPAL

The Cost Center usually identifies a University department. Typically, a cost center has employees and ongoing expenses assigned to it.

Cost Center Manager (CCM)

Budget Manager

A person who has full access to edit a cost center’s (formerly known as a department) budget. CCMs review and approve purchase orders expense reports (including pcard charges) and non-purchase order supplier invoices related to operating and internally restricted funds associated with their cost center.

CCMs are responsible for the transactions charged to their cost center and monitoring the status of their budget.

Cost Center Financial Analyst (CCFA)

*New Term*

A person who can query a cost center’s budget and run reports for their assigned cost center(s).

Custom Report

*New Term*

Reports not delivered by Workday and built using the Workday Report Writer. Can be created new or by copying another standard or custom report.


*New term*

A specialized landing page containing a set of pre-configured worklets for a functional area that you can copy or modify. You can add additional custom worklets to dashboards using the report writer.

Deny (as part of a business process)

*New term*

When a business process is denied, the BP is terminated and all Workday data is restored to its state before the business process started. To restart the business process, the process needs to be submitted again and all previously completed steps need to be redone.

Expense Report

*New term*

Expenses already conducted with a procurement card, travel expenses, or other personal purchases requiring reimbursement (e.g., pcard statements, travel expense reimbursement requests, travel reallocations, etc.).

Financial Data Model (FDM)

*New term*

The multi-dimensional structure of Workday accounting and financial reporting. FDM includes, but is not limited to, the current Chart of Accounts. It consists of the data elements that are attached to financial transactions when they are entered or generated that allows retrieval of the data later for reporting purposes.

Functional Area

Functional Area/Department

A functional area is a collection of domain or business process security policies that are related to the same set of product features (e.g., Benefits, Compensation, etc.).

Human Capital Management (HCM)

*New term*

Application that unifies Human Resources, Benefits, Talent Management, Recruiting, Payroll, and Time Tracking into one system-of-record.


*New term*

Use to access tasks awaiting action.

Initiation Step

*New term*

The first step of a business process.


*New term*

The user that starts the business process event. Only users with the proper security can initiate a business process.

Job Family

*New term*

A grouping of similar job profiles.

Job Profile

*New term*

A job profile is assigned to any position that exists in Workday and includes generic features and characteristics of a job or position that uses that profile (e.g., pay rate type, qualifications, compensation, job description, etc.). All positions in Workday are required to have a job profile.

Job Requisition

Personnel Contract Request (PCR)

Most recruiting will be through a regular job requisition where we create a single job requisition per job/position. Job requisition functionality can be used to track all the requirements for each unfilled position or job and to move candidates through the recruiting process.

Landing Page

*New term*

Landing pages display a collection of worklets and may have different display formats (grid or bubble) and support different functions. The Home landing page is intended for common worklets, such as self-service worklets.

Leave of Absence

Leave (specifically-named)

A leave of absence is longer in duration and typically requires supporting documentation to facilitate its approval (e.g., Family Medical Leave, short- or long-term disability, sabbatical, etc.).

Ledger Account

Ledger Account

Item descriptions and spend categories roll up into ledger accounts when viewing a budget.


*New term*

Alerts or reminders sent in Workday/via email to specified participants upon entry or exit of a step in a business process.


*New term*

Refers to fiscal activity wherein the scope of work has a defined start and end date (e.g., a capital construction project, the Workday project, etc.).

Quick Add (time entry option)

*New term*

A time entry option that enables you to create a time block and copy it to multiple days in a week.

Related Actions

*New Term*

Possible actions available for a given report or topic; identified by the 3 ellipses icon (aka “the twinkie”) located next to all items in Workday with related additional info available.


Purchase requisition

Requesting goods of services.

Rescind (as part of a business process)

*New term*

On completed business processes, reverses all changes made to Workday data. A securable action in a business process security policy.


*New term*

Roles define a group of people with specific responsibilities and permissions. When a business process is run, the role for each step includes all of the workers in that role in the business process’s target organization.

Security Group

*New term*

A collection of users or objects that are related to users. Security group access to a securable item in a security policy grants access to the users associated with the security group.

Security Roles

*New term*

Security roles define what a user can see and do in Workday. They define what actions a user can perform, define where a task is routed to for review and approvals, and control what data a user can view.

Send Back (as part of a business process)

*New term*

Sends a business process back to someone earlier in the process, such as the initiator. When sending back, you must leave a comment giving instructions on what that person should update. Once updated, the process will go through all process steps again.

Standard Report

Banner-delivered Report

Reports that Workday creates and delivers to all Workday customers. Users can copy and modify Standard Reports to create Custom Reports using Report Writer.

Supervisor Organization (Sup Org)

Department / Org Chart

A grouping of employees who report to the same manager. These groupings are then built into a hierarchy that defines the reporting structure and organizational chart to illustrate foundational, hierarchical position-to-position structure. All employees must belong to a supervisory org and each sup org must have a manager.

Talent & Performance

Performance Evaluations

Use to provide employees the tools to measure their performance and unlock their full potential to grow their careers.


*New term*

A business process step that must be completed. Task notifications are triggered by steps in a business process.


Departmental employees

All co-workers in an organization (e.g., Computing Services department).


*New term*

An environment, or unique instance, of the Workday software with data and configuration that exists independently of other tenants or environments and is used for different purposes, such as conversions, testing, or training.

Time Block

*New term*

A time block carries information about a portion of time, such as the number of hours worked or in/out times. Time blocks can be reported or calculated, but only calculated time blocks are pulled into Workday Payroll.

Time Entry Calendar

*New term*

A set of self-service pages that workers use to enter, edit, and submit time, when using calendar-based time entry. When using high volume time entry, workers can view and submit time from the time entry calendar.

Time Off


A time off is typically shorter breaks from work, such as vacation or sick time. It is typically less than two weeks in duration with a known end date. This is probably one of the most common absences an employee will request. Note: Depending on the employee’s classification, rules may apply to a specific time off, including eligibility, whether adjustments are allowed, and any limits that may apply.

Time Tracking

*New term*

Hourly employees’ actual time worked and time entered. Note: This info was previously reported via a hard copy timesheet.


*New term*

Appearing in the Inbox, To Dos are reminders to complete a part or parts of the business process before the workflow can move on to the next step.


*New item*

Rules that trigger an error or alert message upon submission of an invalid request. An error is a hard-stop message that must be resolved before moving forward. An alert is a soft warning that does not prevent a user from moving forward.

View (as part of a business process)

*New item*

A securable item used to allow members to view the status of a business process and report on it; a securable item in a business process security policy.

Worker Profile

*New Term*

A quick view of each individual worker’s demographic, job, and organization information. Worker data is viewable in the different tabs of the Worker profile, and view/edit access to this data depends on one’s security role access.


*New item*

A compact report displayed as an icon (a tile or a bubble) on any landing page, providing easy access to tasks and information that are used regularly (e.g., My Leadership Roles, Open Positions, and Anniversaries).


*New term*

A keyword that you can assign to transactions and supporting data to make their business purpose clear and establish a common relationship. Worktags allow you to find information more easily, filter searches to focused results, and analyze information, and can be used to classify transactions for financial, operational and external reporting (e.g., Cost Center (budget), Project code, a campus event, etc.).